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2024 Volunteer Spotlights

It’s National Volunteer Week!

Our work would not be possible without the help of hundreds of weekly volunteers who keep our herd taken care of, our participants supported, and our operations running smoothly. These selfless individuals come out 365 days a year, rain or shine, to help change lives in our community. Last year, 681 volunteers gave their time, energy, and hearts to our organization, for a total of 46,288 volunteer hours! We’re excited to be able to highlight just a few of these remarkable humans this week. Keep reading to meet them and hear their stories of how they get involved with Hearts & Horses, what they love about being here, and what volunteerism means to them.

Meet Joe:

WHY DID YOU START VOLUNTEERING HERE? It’s kind of a funny story. I actually went to a volunteer fair right after the pandemic and Hearts & Horses had a table so I thought I’d go check it out. I was wearing my military hat and I was asking about what kind of jobs you guys have out here, and they mentioned the veterans riding program. So I started that first and have been doing that for a couple of years, since 2021. I started volunteering to give back for everything that I was getting in the veterans riding course. 

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF VOLUNTEERING WITH H&H?: This is a two-part answer, because there are a lot of things I like. I like getting to work with and support the horses and then at the same time working with all of the amazing people, from the staff to my fellow volunteers. 

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES OF VOLUNTEERING HERE? Any given week on Tuesday Barn Team, meeting with old friends and chatting and laughing. I also like working with the kids in the Thompson School District program. It has been a great experience doing it this semester. I have a really cool kid and I’m working with Big Jim with him.

WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON VOLUNTEERISM AND ITS PERSONAL BENEFITS? Volunteering is a great way of being of service, whether it’s to an organization, a cause, or the community. For me, it provides me with the things I miss from being in the military, especially a sense of purpose and a community I belong to. I also benefit from the positive mental and physical aspects of being of service and of giving yourself. I feel good when I volunteer.

Meet Gretchen:

WHY DID YOU START VOLUNTEERING HERE? I first got involved with therapeutic riding centers mostly out of a desire to spend more time with horses. I had a horse growing up and really missed that time with my equine, but I rapidly learned about therapeutic riding and what it was all about. I saw firsthand the benefits to the riders and the children that I was horse leading at the time. I have seen directly the impact of the program on the people who are participating.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF VOLUNTEERING WITH H&H: Getting to spend time with the horses and support an organization whose mission I completely believe in. But what I never expected was a whole new set of friends that have become family.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES OF VOLUNTEERING HERE? I love Barn Team mornings, how much fun we can have kidding around with each other and just the camaraderie. For me, it still is about the horse time a little bit – I always have my favorite, before it was LB and it’s Tucker right now – but it is also being able to support the organization and having the best time doing it with the people that are here. There’s not one thing but the whole thing – the people, the horses. It’s also a good workout and great fun!

I’ve been a volunteer since basically 1994. I think if anybody ever wants to learn more about their community and support people outside of themselves, volunteering in any capacity is really an awesome way to spend some time giving back to your community and being a part of something bigger than yourself.

Meet Carol:

WHY DID YOU START VOLUNTEERING HERE? A dear friend was a rider out here years ago and she would talk about the benefits of the program and how she loved it. One day I saw an ad in the paper for volunteers and voila! Here I am!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF VOLUNTEERING WITH H&H: There isn’t “a” favorite part, but there are many for me! 1. To see the progression participants make in their sessions. 2. The appreciation that the staff shows to volunteers – they value us! 3. The Gala fundraiser! Obviously I don’t hear or see all the wonderful stories that happen in classes. The Gala highlights many heartwarming, life-changing experiences for the riders that makes this organization so successful and make me proud to be part of it. 4. The friendships that I have made, not just with the volunteers/staff but with the horses, too!

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES OF VOLUNTEERING HERE? My husband and I had a part in orchestrating bringing the mini donkeys to Hearts and Horses. When they arrived and got off the trailer that first day, I had visions of how they can be an instrument to people with disabilities. They are making a difference!.

As a volunteer, my philosophy is to do your very best in whatever you do and do it with a loving heart. Volunteering serves and helps people in so many ways and it’s a win win for all. I want to be a part of what Hearts & Horses does for everyone who comes through our gates. And I LOVE it!

Meet Mike: 

WHY DID YOU START VOLUNTEERING HERE? My wife and I moved here to Loveland in October of 2021. She somehow came upon Hearts & Horses online, since I was looking for something to do. I came out and started doing Barn Team, so that’s how I got involved. I liked horses before and did trail rides as a kid but I never lived near a ranch or a farm so it was a new learning curve and I’m still learning. Every time I come out here I learn something new. 

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF VOLUNTEERING WITH H&H?: I love Barn Team, it’s my #1. Between the horses and the people that I work with, I don’t know what I love better. 


WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON VOLUNTEERISM AND ITS PERSONAL BENEFITS? When I first came out here it was because I wanted to learn about horses. And then the more I volunteered it was like I realized that it does as much for us volunteers individually as we do for the organization. Anybody that is thinking of doing this, definitely come out and try it. You can get hooked!

Meet Donna:

WHY DID YOU START VOLUNTEERING HERE? I’d been volunteering somewhere else for 4 years and was ready to move on. Someone suggested Hearts & Horses and I thought “horses?!” I grew up with horses!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF VOLUNTEERING WITH H&H?: At the Tack Shoppe, meeting the people who come in and hearing their stories. In terms of classes, I love the fun of working with the kiddos and getting to know them and their families.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES OF VOLUNTEERING HERE? There are a lot of little moments, especially in the classes. I wrote a fairy tale about Zoe (one of our riders), and wrote the application for her PATH Intl. award. All the awards I’ve applied for have won, including for Xellie, who won Horse of the Year for Hope in the Saddle. I also enjoyed writing the dating profiles the first year that the Sweetheart of the Year campaign began!

WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON VOLUNTEERISM AND ITS PERSONAL BENEFITS? Volunteering is something that everyone who has the means to do should do. We live in a community and everybody has their skills, and there’s some nonprofit somewhere that could use what you’re good at. It could be the Food Bank, making blankets for Project Linus, or something else. Volunteering makes me happy. It makes my day!


Help us spotlight a volunteer that you think should be recognized for their time, talents, and service to our mission by filling out our Volunteer Spotlight nomination form!

Nominate a special H&H volunteer!

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